
Showing posts from August, 2019

B2B eCommerce

Best Practices Guide B2B eCommerce sales are growing explosively, and most experts attribute that growth to companies that are borrowing design and user-experience tips from B2C playbooks and creating better user experiences for their customers. Every business buyer is also a consumer who often appreciates the conveniences and personalized design features that retail websites offer. However, there are real functional differences in how business platforms operate, so comparing the two marketing strategies is similar to comparing. but their underlying purposes, functionality and capabilities couldn’t be more different. This guide to building a B2B eCommerce platform explores those issues to educate company decision-makers about the benefits, risks and details of designing a world-class business platform. It’s appropriate to note here that the guide often refers to business-to-business websites and operating software as “B2B eCommerce platforms” instead of websites,...